Church & Missions

  • A challenge from below to church leaders

    By Alejandro Field Latin America

    Try to imagine these three situations: a workers' conference where all the speakers are business leaders, a television debate on racism where everyone—including the moderator—is white, and a video series on women where all the presenters are men. Do they not now seem inappropriate, unreal, archaic, more typical of the middle of the last century than of this one?

  • We need to realign our priorities with missio Dei

    Missio Dei is a formal theological term, latin for "God’s mission". The term means just what is says: mission belongs to God. God defines the mission’s purposes and strategies, means and methods, timing and pacing. The mission scope is all encompassing—multi-national, multi-ethnic, multi-resourced. Our participation in God's mission requires that we keep our priorities straight, and Abraham shows us how.

  • [Book review] Christian Worldview & Transformation: Spirituality, Reason & Social Order

    Part of Regnum’s ‘Global Voices: Latin America’ series, it’s a tightly argued series of essays that examine the interplay between the long-accepted concept of ‘worldview’ and transformation. Its theological perspectives point out that ‘Jesus always lived on the edge of the empire,’ ‘The gospel concerns nothing less than all things (Col. 1/16-20) and the church’s mission concerns nothing less than all things.’


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